darrenyeats wrote: 
> Ralph,
> I was suggesting a mix rather than lurching from one extreme to the
> other!

Hey there Darren.

I think this forum has an interesting dynamic. From the start, it seems
to me that anyone getting into the Squeezebox system must have been
quite comfortable with computer audio and saw the potential of the
computer-based server system early. Even today, though not difficult to
get a server running, we still have to jump through a few hoops to get
it working well and there's no simple turn-key package marketing to the
mainstream like Sonos or Bluesound or the myriad DLNA systems places
like Computer Audiophile seem to be pushing these days (and the
manufacturer influence is clear).

I always thought that this forum was "objective leaning" from the start.
Even just looking at the description with its wry sense of humor (Pear
Audio, Amazing Randi...). Back in the day when the original SlimDevices
folks were visiting, it was great hearing from and seeing the
interaction with the engineering brains behind the system!

I see a few comments from folks about the lack of a moderator. It
doesn't really seem that we need one. Compared to some of the "real"
audiophile sites out there, the traffic here isn't big. Although we can
all get a little childish once awhile, it doesn't seem like there's any
desire to get personal or mean spirited. One sign to me that this is the
case is that responses tend to be relatively thought out rather than
quick snipes at the person. That seems healthy.

I surely think that there's plenty of opportunity to talk about
subjectivity in audiophile land... But few seem to want to talk about
that stuff! I can admit that even though I can measure a reasonably flat
response in my room, I like to turn the sub a few dB's up to add "oomph"
to the sound... Anyone object? Probably not because we can all recognize
that this is rather trivial and -obviously -subjective. I can also say
in no uncertain terms that a speaker like the DeVore Orangutan to me
looks very ugly and my wife would not be impressed if I brought
something like that home. Yet look at all the praise this speaker's
appearance gets... Would I rain on their lovefest if they were to start
a thread? No. Why should I care?

In a nutshell, subjectivism really only gets contentious when it's about
the perceived sound quality and how it "seems to" sound better in the
absence of scientific/objective investigation or comments made that seem
totally implausible and unrealistic. And this is where opinions get
really strong and potentially nasty. The fact that this forum has no
policy on needing to present ABX results as some kind of pre-requisite
to voice one's opinion nor is there an automatic ban on discussion
around double blind testing, nor are we all that technical like maybe on
an Audio DIY forum, nor are we policed or biased by the equipment
manufacturer, makes this forum rather interesting. The folks here
obviously keep track of developments in the audiophile world and truly
interesting developments will get reported and discussed here in a way
that seems realistic rather than hyped. Nothing too extreme I think...

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
Archimago's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2207
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

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