You have all the rigths to prefer anything that's not really the
audiophile "problem" .

There are confusion"good sound" is not alway equvavilent to " faithfull
reproduction " ok are we in agreement you have your preference , you
migth even want tube amps with less than ideal output impedance because
it makes an othervise lean speaker sound more full ( I would not do that
but anyway ) you can mix all kinds of coulorfull non transparent
equipment all day , enjoy :)

But most irritating the audiophile press and some audiophiles runs some
pretend game where they actually claim that obviusly coloured and
substandard equipment designed with no healty science involved "sounds
better" and is more faithfull to the input signal ,the music they want
to listen to ? That's not ok IMO .

If they where honest they would admitt that the output of thier little
SET amp for example does not have that much in common with the input
signal but they like it very much I would have nothing against that .

But instead they make completely bogus claims that such equipment
reproduce details that is "obscured" by more conventional equipment and
that there are hidden unmeasurable kinds of distortion etc . This is
very easy to disprove with a null test btw .
And many not so technical audiophiles fall for this kind of
argumentation everyone is not an engineer . That's basically fraud .

This lack of science has gone full circle several times in audiophiledom
so now it's quite possible to buy equipment just as bad as it was in the
sixties but at eye watering prices . Much of the top tier stuff produces
"nice" colourations that the reviewers then can describe with thier
usual wine taster vocabulary .
You migth also add the grooving arena for all kinds of DAC's with very
unorthodox design principles that are not so transparent but make thier
own sound , but are marketed as the new best thing ever .

Also equipment with faithfull reproduction ie transparency have no sound
if it's own . So "good sound" is a misnomer maybe that's a basic
confusion we have to get over the music and artist should sound good and
the recording of them likewise . But the things we use to hear them with
,not so much . unless you actually like something else like more bass or
more warmth .

I'm quite ok with a subset of audio equipment that's deliberately not
transparent , if it's honestly marketed as such .

Then the buyer can make informed decisions . Do I want to hear the
recording as it is or do I have a preference for something else .

People listening to club or DJ music has no problems with these concepts
,they are fully aware of that their sound system is a part of the act .
Not a conduit for faithfully hear what's on the records .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux
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