darrenyeats wrote: 
> It might be the "wrong question" if we're writing a scientific paper.
> But it's the right question for many people in practice.

Yes, agreed; but then the question rather refers to
a) (side) constrains like available budget, practicability of the
solution and the like
b) personal preference/taste again

darrenyeats wrote: 
> This brings us back here.
> > superbonham wrote: 
> > 'High fidelity' music reproduction ... is purely an engineering
> > discipline where science and measurements apply - there is simply no
> > room for opinions ...> > 
> There is plenty of room for opinions in hi-fi music reproduction. Many
> would say there's room for opinion in most things audio - but even the
> most hardened skeptics would acknowledge there is room for opinion
> when it comes to things like loudspeakers. So your statement
> over-steps the mark.

This time *you* didn't take my intended meaning and not even the literal
meaning of my posts; from the way you are citing them it even looks a
bit like on purpose ;)

darrenyeats wrote: 
> If there is no room for opinion, then please tell me which loudspeaker
> science says is the best.

The question of the 'best' loudspeaker for a given set-up/environment is
a difficult 'optimization problem' that has to take various (scientific
and non-scientific) constrains into account. As such there might not be
a simple 'scientific' answer to it. Again this still does *not* mean
that there wasn't (in principle) a proven scientific methodology to
assess a component's (say loudspeaker's) ability *to reproduce sound
faithfully*. This is because *faithful reproduction* (i.e. reproduction
without distortion, colorization and the like) can be very well measured
and compared (unlike reproduction that someone personally prefers).
Still the result might not be simple to rate, since one would expect
that given two components (say again loudspeakers) of a similar quality,
each one might outperform the other with respect to a certain aspect
(e.g. overall linearity, faithful and powerful reproduction of very low
frequencies, ...) - so one would again have to choose based on personal

But there is a difference between 'I chose this pair of speakers because
they (measurably) provide more faithful reproduction of frequencies
between 40 and 100 Hz than the other pair [in the same price segment]'
or 'I prefer this pair of speakers because they (subjectvely) sound
better to me and they also look nicer'


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