it comes down to separating topics that, in my opinion, are different,

(1) basic engineering
(2) plausible optimizations
(3) personal "audio beliefs", personal taste
(4) purchasing preference

i just don't think (1) automatically results in a direct, linear (4)

i find it funny that several people seem to read Stereophile in far more
detail than i do, simply to then ridicule it. if i don't enjoy a mag,
hey, i wouldn't waste time or money on it. life's too short. :-)

whether we admit it or not, all of us who engage in this audiophile
discussion are irrational propeller-heads to 90% of people out there,
who do just fine with an iPhone and some beats headphones (shiver). 

i read Stereophile even though i totally agree it can get totally over
the top. i *do* like reading (and pics) about some audio jewelry, just
like i like reading about something like the Bugatti Veyron even though
i'd never buy it. i like the measurements. but to mention a semi-recent
example where measurements and test didn't add up, check out the Totem
Dreamcatcher review. they are not esoteric, expensive speakers. the
reviewer enjoyed them a lot, the measurements indicated some resonance.
i ordered some and kept them, i find they do color some, but in a way in
enjoy it quite a bit for my secondary systems (i own 2 pairs of
Dreamcatchers, one for the bedroom and one for a cabin). 

i do believe these days one can put together a very, very nice sounding
system with a few basic and quite cost efficient devices. but i also
immensely enjoy the exercise of being a tad irrational here and there.
passion is always an irrational choice, but how tragic is a life that
only and exclusively sticks to rationality alone... :-)

Server: Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 12.04 + LMS 7.7.3 on VMware
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- Creek Destiny Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->-
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> MusicalFidelity
M1PWR -> Totem DreamCatcher
Computer audio: wirkstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado PS500e
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