Seems to me that this is FFT basics 101 - interpreting the "grass" seen
on an FFT as the noisefloor - in this case -140dB

Have a read of this document in order to understand
"Computing Noise Level and Power Spectral Density
The measurement of noise levels depends on the bandwidth of the
measurement. When looking at the noise floor of a power spectrum, you
are looking at the narrowband noise level in each FFT bin. Thus, the
noise floor of a given power spectrum depends on the f of the spectrum,
which is in turn controlled by the sampling rate and number of points.
In other words, the noise level at each frequency line reads as if it
were measured through a f Hz filter centered at that frequency line.
Therefore, for a given sampling rate, doubling the number of points
acquired reduces the noise power that appears in each bin by 3 dB.
Discrete frequency components theoretically have zero bandwidth and
therefore do not scale with the number of points or frequency range of
the FFT."

What is being shown in the graph is "narrowband noise level in each FFT
bin." not the noise floor although the noise floor can be calculated
from it given some background information.

As to the Regen - it has a good theoretical explanation from John
Swenson - the increased electrical noise generated within the USB Phy in
handling USB signals with reduced signal integrity. This Regen device
seems to address this issue by moving the electrical noise problem off
the main USB DAC board into a separate USB hub device. The advantage
being that this is USB hub is independently powered & therefore
electrical noise can be treated independent to the USB DAC. It then
generates a new USB signal with presumably better signal integrity which
is meant to be located at the input to the USB DAC.

This electrical noise is not quite the same as the 8KHz spike seen in
ARchimago's graph which is directly related to 8kHz "packet noise".
Archimago's graph, however, does show how electrical noise from internal
chip activity can make it to the output.

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