jkeny wrote: 
> Archi, I guess you didn't look up my posts from 2009/2010 on this forum?
> A fair bit of information & DIY advice given to Duet owners in
> 'those posts'
> (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?55044-Would-it-make-sense-to-mate-a-Duet-rcvr-w-external-I2S-DAC&p=498668&viewfull=1#post498668)
> No, I've no shares in Uptone - I just find it an interesting product due
> to the technical explanation for it's operation, due to the number of
> positive reports of it's effectiveness, due to the fact that I have
> heard it & it's effect, due to the fact that it challenges the core
> belief system of objectivists as witnessed by the irrational objections
> to it on this forum.

Okay that's cool with the DIY link.

There are many products where claims and testimony "challenge the core
belief system of objectivists". Many claims of audible cable differences
for example have come before. Shakti Stones. Tice Clocks. Rainbow Foil.
Or the contemporary claims of ethernet cables.

Since you have heard the Regen, why not then borrow one and use your
understanding to show us what you can find to explain its benefits using
whatever method you please? Once there are results, then come back and

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