Julf wrote: 
> 'we’re not wired to think scientifically'
> (http://eatingacademy.com/personal/wired-think-scientifically-can-done)

I wonder about one thing. We invented the scientific principle 400 years
ago. (But perhaps the chinese actually invented it much earlier? They
were really good mathematicians 6,000 years ago, I think. Western
history books seldom include their history.) I find it hard to believe
that suddenly a mutation that allowed scientific thinking rapidly spread
over the world at that time. We must have been able to think like that a
long, long time, even if we didn't do that on a great scale. Has any
proof ever been produced that says that we have changed at all for
thousands of years? Since agriculture was invented 11,000 years ago we
have adapted to new food. But our mental capacity? Since the 1960s
(IIRC) we have started developing better concentration skills (bigger
working memory), because of the increasing amount of information we are
exposed to. That is said to translate directly to abstract intelligence.
So according to neurocognition scientists, humans get more intelligent
by the decade, because of our environment. This curve has a name, which
I have forgotten. But did this perhaps already start 400 years ago? If
so, could it have been the greater cities with more impressions, the
invention of the printing press and possibly time to read because of
better living conditions in general (if they were actually improved)?
Just thinking out loud...

Best Regards,

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