jh901 wrote: 
> Your transparency mantra is hilarious.  I'm not sure how you convinced
> yourself, but I can see where it is convenient for you.  Note that when
> I "hit play" that the reproduced sound is extraordinary.  None of the
> gear is broken or otherwise deliberately designed with flaws.  What you
> hear at home is mediocrity if you are lucky.  Transparency and all.  And
> science.

I'm sure the sound at your place is extraordinary. You seem to have
better speakers plus a larger and more treated listening room. In fact I
would like to check out your system first hand, but unfortunately I live
half a world away. 

But speakers and room are mainly the reasons that you have such a great

Since pissing contests obviously are very important to you, I quickly
checked the published measurements of our respective gear that I could
find. I easily conclude that, except for your speakers (presumably), my
system actually measures better. This is because of your tube preamp,
which colors the sound. Even J.A. was "a little disappointed".


My integrated amplifier Thule IA252B measures better than the tube
preamp, but I can't find a published measurement (though I have a
broschure on paper at home). 

I can't find a published measurement for the Focal Diablo Utopia III.
I'm sure it's a much better speaker than mine, though. Please tell me if
you find it.

I won't even mention the designer speaker cables, or the power cables.

Best Regards,

not often enough well recorded and mastered cds *|* dbpoweramp with
accuraterip *|* flac *|* fanless asrock z77e-itx intel i5-3570t *|*
ubuntu 12.04.1 lts 32-bit *|* lms 7.8.0 *|* brutefirdrc 3.0 (rewv5) *|*
transporter (balanced out) *|* thule ia252b *|* audio physic scorpio *|*
no fancy cables. *+* also some booms. *+* harmony 525s for them all,
including waking the server from s3.
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