Julf wrote: 
> Well, if you have drunk the cool-aid, the artificiality, forced
> conditions and pressure of DBT makes you less sensitive to differences -
> just like the bad vibrations caused by the presence of a sceptic in a
> room makes fairies less likely to show up. :)
> This effect of controls spoiling bad science is in no way restricted to
> audiophiles or parapsychologists - 'Registered clinical trials make
> positive findings vanish'
> (http://www.nature.com/news/registered-clinical-trials-make-positive-findings-vanish-1.18181).

Interesting link! Will have to have a read of the PLOS One paper.

Excellent points and discussions folks... I wonder if this is also the
point at which SBGK typically bows out of these discussions.

SBGK: Stay and talk if you're seriously committed to your findings.
Speaking about the theory is good but it would truly be great if there
is a way to discuss how you think your theories can be verified.

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
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