marcoc1712 wrote: 
> That was a little paradox, but what if you go to the doctor with
> toothache and after some serious examination he said 'it's impossible
> you have toothache, go home and stay well"?
As of my experience doctors do that all the time.

> At the end, how I have to judge and decide witch audio system has to
> sound my music in my house, if not listening to it?

We have two different topics at hand here.

1. How does a specific setup sound to someone.
This is of course obvious and if your massive gold-plated power cable
sounds better to you because you know how expensive it was and it gives
you the warm feeling that you were able to afford it then that's a real
and live effect and makes your listening experience better.

2. How a system should be designed to create the best output for
everyone. The effect in #1 is highly individual and non-reproducible so
discussing it in the context of "does something sound different" is
totally useless. It doesn't get you anywhere because you can't influence
it as a designer of a system.
As a designer of a system you have to care about measurable effects and
design the optimum performance for it.

Asking "are there people to whom 64 kbpit/s mp3 played through a
bluetooth speaker submerged inside of an aquarium sound better" gets you
nowhere. Of course there are or nobody would buy beats headphones. But
unless they are either your majority or your target group you'd usually
stay with getting the most accurate sound reproduction and that
specifically includes all kind of errors. Because stuttering or
non-working playback is actually very inaccurate and even if it only
happens to some people it's a serious degradation of your overall system

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