Golden Earring wrote: 
> Hi Wombat!
> My (obviously subjective) problem with square waves is "heard one,
> you've heard 'em all". Hell, they don't even list the composers or
> artists on these test discs anymore.

That would have to be a joke, because you can't be serious. Friendly
advice - add an appropriate emoticon.

> Solo piano is not *-that-* easy to reproduce because of a rapid initial
> transient followed by a decay, both controlled by a combination of the
> instrument and the performer.\

That's yet another audiophile myth. 

Hearing: An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acoustics
*5th Edition


Chapter 3

Temporal summation deals with the relationship between
stimulus duration and intensity when the time frame is less
than about 1 s (see Chap. 9). It is most easily understood by
example. Suppose a subject’s threshold for a tone that lasts
200 ms happens to be 18 dB. Will the threshold remain at 18
dB when the same tone is presented for only 20 ms? It is found
that when the 20-ms tone is used the threshold changes to
28 dB. (A similar trade-off is needed to maintain the stimulus
at a constant loudness. This illustrates the general psychoacoustic
observation that when a signal is shortened by a factor of
10 (e.g., from 200 to 20 ms), the signal level must be increased by
as much as 10 dB to offset the decade decrease in duration. This
relationship is understandably called a time-intensity trade.

IOW, if sound is 10 times shorter, it is up to twice as hard to hear.
*This means that the leading edges of transients are masked due their
short duration. When you get down to transients measured in
microseconds, the masking is quite significant.

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