arnyk wrote: 
> That Linkwitz Lab page seems to support my claim: "The distortion
> spectrum of this test signal is very discriminating and robust. It
> contains not only harmonics, but also *the more serious intermodulation
> components, which are of higher amplitude*. "
> If you listen to anything but simple test tones over a system with
> nonlinear distortion, you will hear IM. It is probable that the IM will
> predominate because of its nature. (explained by means of a simple
> example, below)"
> The only way to have the HD profile be a greater factor than the IM is
> to listen to pure test tones. As soon as you start listening to music,
> the IM will overwhelm the harmonic distortion.
> Let's say that you have an amp that has only a second order nonlinearity
> that is as large as possible.
> If you put in 1KHz, you will get out a 2 KHz tone half the amplitude of
> the input wave, plus a DC signal that is also half the amplitude of the
> input, but since your speakers and ears dont' respond to DC, it will be
> inaudible. 
> If you put in a 1 KHz tone and a 1.5 KHz tone  that are together the
> same amplitude, you will make each half the maximum amplitude so they
> don't clip when you sum them. 
> Due to the *same nonlinearity *you will get a 500 Hz tone, a 2 KHz tone,
> a 2500 Hz. tone and a 3 KHz tone. * Right off you get about four times 
> as many audible distortion-related spurious responses.*   The 500 and
> 2500 Hz tones are about half the size of each input wave, and the 2 KHz
> and 3 KHz tones are about half as large as them. So, the spurious
> responses from the IM are all audible and when added together have a
> about double the percentage as the one audible tone from the harmonic
> distortion. 
> Thus the IM will overwhelm the harmonic distortion. Furthermore the
> harmonic distortion is likely to be masked by the natural harmonic
> structure of musical sounds, while the IM distortion as you can see, is
> about half tones that are not harmonically related to the source,  and
> won't have anything to mask them in the music. They will blare in your
> ear!

Hi again Arny!

You've been busy posting since I sloped off last night so I'm still
catching up.

Thank you for this clear & informative post on IM.

Would you think that your remarks in any way justify my preference for
Class A amplification since it seems to me to produce a output
remarkably free from IM at least in the case of my Pathos amp (ok, it's
only strictly Class A up to 30W per channel into 8 ohm but that goes a
long way in my modest room). Or am I misguidedly suffering from yet
another audiophile myth here, in your opinion?

Dave :)

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