Mnyb wrote: 
> There is an objective reality outside of us self and our senses .

Sorry to be a little late commenting on this. I hope you don't feel that
I'm "cherry-picking" your much earlier post, but you did give this
sentence its own paragraph which implies that you believe it stands on
its own merits as a general statement about the physical nature of the
universe we somewhat surprisingly find ourselves thrust into.

Do you have any suggestion about how this statement might be tested

If not, I suggest you examine the famous double-slit experiment which
actually illustrates the wave/particle duality of nature. There is an
adequate write-up in Wikipaedia if you need a reference.

This experiment enables the wave/particle duality implied by Quantum
Mechanics to be detected at a real-world scale. The original double slit
experiments were conducted in 1819 by a physicist called Young, & for a
long time the arrangement was named after him, as "Young's slits" & was
interpreted as an experimental demonstration that light was a wave,
because a visible interference pattern of alternating light and dark
vertical bands could be observed on a screen placed on the other side of
the slits from a single light source. This phenomenon could be predicted
by the hypothesis that light is a wave since on the far side of the
slits a light wave would propagate as if it originated from 2 distinct
point sources (i.e. the slits themselves) both of which would then
radiate outwards from those slits & the alternate peaks & troughs of
each separate wave thus transmitted would interfere with each other,
reinforcing at some points (the light bands) & cancelling each other out
at others (the dark bands). If you drop 1 pebble into a pond you will
observe a circular pattern of ripples radiating outwards. If you drop 2
pebbles simultaneously into a pond but a little distance away from each
other, you will observe 2 circular patterns of ripples that exhibit a
similar interference effect where the circles overlap - this will occur
in a region bisected by straight line drawn perpendicular to the
straight line drawn between the points of entry of the pebbles & passing
through the mid-point of that 2nd line. This is not a precise analogy to
the double slits because there will be 2 interference regions in the
pond directly opposite to each other, but I offer it as an easy way to
appreciate how 2 separate waveforms can create an interference region
with reinforcement & cancellation occurring. You can physically observe
that this is the case, the experiment is entirely repeatable. With the
slits, the waves are only propagated as half-circles since the slits
themselves are supplied with light from a point wave source on one side
& then cause the continuing waveform to behave as if it were 2 distinct
waves on the other - thus only 1 interference region occurs on the
opposite side of the slits to the point source & the classic
interference pattern can be observed on a screen placed parallel to the
plane of the slits in this region. All this seems very comfortable so

No-one had considered the existence of quanta (i.e. discrete elements)
of radiation back in those days & when the "Black Body Radiation"
experiments which implied their existence were performed to confirm the
absence of the "ultraviolet catastrophe" effect which was implied by the
continuous wave nature of light hypothesis, theoretical physicists
struggled a bit to come up with a credible alternative hypothesis. The
problem was not really properly addressed until Quantum Mechanics was
painfully birthed in the 1920's & many of the older "classical"
theoreticians (notably including Einstein whose instinctive approach
which had arguably achieved its zenith in 1905, a year in which he
published not 1 but 3 ground breaking papers whilst simultaneously
working as a patent clerk - apparently the workload associated with this
job was quite variable, which gave him a bit of time to reflect on other
matters... ) struggled or refused to accept it.

Let's get back to the double slits. We now have the technology to detect
the passage of individual quanta. Let's replace Young's light source
with a coherent emitter of a regular succession of photons (in the way
that a machine gun dispenses bullets, rapid-fire but one at a time). We
might refer to this as a laser. Unobserved prior to the screen these
protons behave as an uncollapsed quantum waveform, each photon passes
through *-both-* slits & the still uncollapsed twin waveforms emerging
from the slits interfere with each other *-for a single photon-*, &
produce the previously observed interference pattern at the screen. This
requires sensitive equipment to observe when one is looking at a single
photon in isolation, but the stream of photons from the laser source
creates the effect visibly. So far so good, although the ability of a
single photon to interfere with itself may surprise some.

Now the crunch: we now place equipment capable of detecting the passage
of a single photon at each of the two slits. Until we switch these
detectors on, all proceeds as above. But as soon as they are switched on
the quantum waveform of each photon collapses at the location of the
slits (i.e. where the observation has been made) & each individual
photon will be found to have travelled through one slit or the other,
but not both, *-& continues its journey on to the screen as if it were a
particle-* (travelling in a straight line) & consequently only capable
of hitting the screen in one of 2 locations, those 2 points that are in
a straight line from the laser through 1 slit or the other. There is no
longer any possibility of an interference pattern arising.

The moment the detection is made at the slits, when observing the
behaviour the stream of photons from the laser at a real world level,
*-the interference pattern on the screen disappears & is replaced by 2
vertical bright lines-*. This is observable, repeatable and deeply
shocking at a common sense level.

This experiment demonstrates both wave/particle duality & *-the fact
that when an observation is made, reality itself changes-*. This is in
accordance with the theory of Quantum Mechanics.

I respectfully submit that the foregoing explanation rebuts your
hypothesis that reality is strictly objective, using the Scientific
Method that we all cling to.

Dave (straight face)

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