arnyk wrote: 
> It is not my position, it is a  reasonably easy to observe scientific
> fact.

Morning Arny!

Not trying to score points, or indeed particularly to take issue your
position on the specific matter you were commenting on.

However there is an important point of principle here. *-There are NO
scientific facts-*. There are facts (for example, the results of a
repeatable scientific experiment, with due regard to the precise
experimental procedures used and the exact conditions under which the
results were obtained), opinions (which are personal beliefs) &
scientific hypotheses that offer the potential to be testable either now
or in the future (these are theories proposed to explain some aspect of
how the universe works).

"Hypotheses" that appear to be inherently untestable are actually just
opinions, unless some ingenious line of experimentation is later devised
(at which point they would become scientific hypotheses, although
possibly very briefly if the experiment doesn't go their way!).

Even so-called Scientific Laws are just generally-accepted scientific
hypotheses, cf. Newton's "Law of Gravitation" which was widely accepted
for 300 years until Einstein supplanted the whole idea of gravity as a
force by introducing the concept of curvature in space-time.

The significance of this is that until you have done an experiment you
cannot "know" the answer you can only predict it on the assumption that
the scientific hypothesis that you rely on will not crumble under you in
these new circumstances.

This is the essence of the scientific method. Nothing is provable, all
is disprovable. Our knowledge of how the universe works is, and always
will be (in this life at least) provisional.

Dave :)

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