Lots of very useful information & insightful comments in your last post.

I haven't got anything concrete to add, so I've saved myself the trouble
of pulling our multiple quotes & mumbling! :D

I do think that extracting anything approaching a convincing rendition
of (say) Mahler's 2nd symphony from a spiral groove on a thin vinyl disc
is more of a technological triumph than performing the same trick from
zillions of individual "0"s & "1"s, although both are really pretty
astounding really - I wonder what Gustav himself would have made of it

I'm a little surprised by the dynamic range you ascribe to an orchestral
concert performance, but again you've probably got more experience of
measuring it than me. I'll put it down to the bloke with the cough 3
rows back. Why they don't issue cough pastilles at the box office has
always baffled me. All I can say is that I've heard some pretty loud
crescendos at the orchestral concerts I've attended to listen to (as
opposed to record & hence measure in the process).

If you could get the audience to keep quiet you could save a lot of
trouble by using Blumlein's crossed-pair stereo recording technique from
the 1920's using figure-of-eight response pattern microphones. And for
good measure you could make a simultaneous "dummy head" recording for
headphone fans. Both of these techniques can give very good stereo
images from minimal equipment *-as long as you put it in the right

The analogy in photography is that you should always use your *-feet-*
first (without actually falling off the nearby cliff) to get the light
and aspects of the image correct rather than stay rooted to the spot &
fiddle about with your zoom lens - that won't put good leading lines
into your picture or correct for poor lighting. Nikon stuck to their
"12MP is enough" philosophy for longer than most before bowing to the
demands from their marketing department to shoehorn more into the same
size sensor (which can actually harm image quality) because everyone
else was doing it. There's just as much idiocy in photography as in
audio: many of the truly great photographs of the 20th century were
taken with quite rudimentary cameras. Unless you are doing hyperfocal
landscape shots or literally want to put your image on the side of a bus
(in either of which cases a medium-format camera would be more
appropriate anyway), you really don't need a 25MP sensor...

However I think the economy would collapse pretty quickly if we all only
bought what we need, rather than what we've been bamboozled into
thinking that we want. It can only end in tears eventually (& probably
sooner). Apparently average unsecured debt per household in the UK is
now £13,000 :(

Dave :)

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