On 4/03/2016 10:44 AM, DMcD wrote:
And I don't think you could compare gliding with motorcycle riding (racing maybe). In terms of deaths per hundred thousand rider or comp pilot hours, you'd find a difference of several orders of magnitude. We have what
 2500 pilots active in Australia? And how many die each year? 1-2?

FWIW, I can help a bit with that question. Good road traffic exposure data can be a bit hard to come by, but a bit of searching found a paper* reporting motorcycle crash rates for NSW from (I think) 2004, and they said: "The mean crash rate (based on self-reported crash involvement) was 0.96 crashes/100,000 km".

Now, if anyone has crash data and exposure figures for glider pilots (measured in km travelled) then we can see how glider fatalities compare with motorcycle fatalities, should we so desire.


*Source: Harrison, W. A., & Christie, R. (2005). Exposure survey of motorcyclists in New South Wales. /Accident Analysis & Prevention/, /37/(3), 441-451.

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