could be...but (although I'm not really an expert) I think there might be a 
fair lag between actual emissions and the warming process...perhaps because of 
the heat radiation being trapped in the atmosphere?

I'm also not sure how much of an effect greenhouse gases have on incoming solar 
radiation, since a lot of it is of the EM type. I thought it was more a matter 
of the converted heat energy from said radiation being trapped by the 
greenhouse layer...the whole "gas blanket" thing

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mark Newton
Sent: Tue 1/1/2008 8:27 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Climate change.

On 01/01/2008, at 8:01 PM, Ray Lawley-Sinclair wrote:
> Unfortunately, the current rate of warming is approximately double  
> any rate recorded subsequent to any previous ice age. I refer to  
> three articles showing the effects of natural climate changes in the  
> past, the current climate change situation, and predictions for the  
> future:

A suggestion recently heard from a source who would die of embarrassment
if I used his name here, and who will therefore remain anonymous unless
he chooses to reveal himself, is that the atmosphere has been in a  
warming influence since the 14th century, but that it was interrupted by
the industrial revolution belching soot into the air and thereby  
the amount of solar radiation hitting the ground.

Since the 1970's environmentalists have been campaigning for clean air,
and have been successful in reducing particulate emissions from most
western industrial processes, leading to us in the 21st century
experiencing the cleanest air the Northern hemisphere has known since
the 1700's. That's allowed the quantity of solar radiation reaching the
ground to increase to the level it would have been at if the industrial
revolution had never occurred in the first place, making temperatures
shoot up to join onto the curve they would have been following since
the 14th century if mankind hadn't been meddling.

It's an intriguing theory.  I like it because it actually pins global
warming on the green movement, which is delicious in its irony :-)
It also neatly explains Mann's hockey stick graph, and also explains
why warming has been more pronounced in the Northern hemisphere than
the Southern (the Southern hemisphere never had that much industry
in the first place, and has always had cleaner air than Europe and
North America) and avoids buying into the IPCC's missing 30km-high
warming that Mike Borgelt was banging on about a few weeks ago.

Is it right?  No idea.  But it's good for a stir, so that probably
makes it on topic for this list :-)

   - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
----- Voice: +61-4-1620-2223 ------------- Fax: +61-8-82231777 -----

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