Chintana Wilamuna wrote:

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Ruwan Janapriya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

AXIS2_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, "[Project XYZ] Debug Message Tik Tak Too");

also the above macro name AXIS2_DEBUG_MSG is open for better (short) name
suggestions. Since the env->log part has the information that we are going
to "log" I removed "LOG" part from the macro name.

How about AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env, "my log message")?

Inside the macro definition you could provide the prefix
automatically. To me that seems a little cleaner than giving the log
member of the env struct and the prefix.

Then we have to change AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, ...) etc as well to pass environment instead of allocator. Besides the original idea AFAIK we can pass external allocator, log etc instead of the one provided by the environment.

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