On 01/08/07, Christopher Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> maybe the BBC were just realists when it came to the
> practicalities of development cost versus ROI from creating versions for
> (EXTREMELY) minority OSes? I mean, come on, hands up who here on the list
> uses Linux as their primary OS.

me as well (as if you couldn't have guessed).

Why in your statistics did you neglect things like Java and Python?
They may not be OSes themselves but they provide an abstraction to the
OS in much the same way as OSes themselves provide an abstraction to
the hardware.

For instance you would say develop for "Java", not "Java on WinXP" as
Java provides portable hooks into the parts of the OS you need (which
technically you can bypass and go direct to the OS but that's going
out of your way to make a non platform neutral implementation). Only
thing Java, Python and other such systems is they don't seem to get
around the platform dependence of the OS. Luckily there is a whole lot
of people who may write the installer for you (provided you open
source the code), how helpful of them!

Or you can develop for a standardised OS, (e.g. POSIX). Code for POSIX
then just recompile with the correct cross compiler and it will run on
any POSIX conforming OS for which you can find a cross compiler (or
you could install the OS and do a native compile).

Now the POSIX argument is much closer to that of PAL. POSIX is
actually a standard, many OS manufacturers implement it, and any OS
manufacturer can implement it if they choose! So BBC choose to develop
for a standard, POSIX there.

> Percentages speak a lot to people signing off on cheques to fund development
> lifecycles...

The BBC was set up up so that we had a broadcaster who was not tied to
such commercial pressures, evidently the BBC is disregarding the
reason it was created!

And as I have pointed out several times, where do you get the idea
that it costs more to develop for extra OSes? You develop cross
platform from day one. You don't have to spend 3 times the money for 3

Most code in C works on all platforms, why would it have to be written
again and thus cost more?

And if you want maximum Return On Investment then here's an even
cheaper method to get cross-platform vendor neutral and all the other

Define a specification (you would normally do this anyway, otherwise
you need to have server and client teams working too closely), make
sure everything is defined and then publish it fully.

Write the Server side of the application, (You would have had to do this anyway)

Now BBC, you stop, your job is done.

Community people can take over and build clients, people get a choice
of clients, if there is demand on a specific platform it gets built
otherwise it doesn't (nice way to work out how much demand there
really is for different platforms ;))

And you get the advantage of seeing all the innovative idea people
come up with. Would this appeal to the people on this list? You could
then actually "Mash Up" BBC content, putting it in software that works
the way you want it to and making your own better software if the
current offerings are not good enough.

Currently the BBC won't let anyone even touch the way iPlayer works,
oddly they consider it "theirs", ignoring the fact that the UK License
Payer payed for it, not just BBC employees who get the right to do
what they want with it (regardless of what your regulators, or the law
tells you to do).

Oh and anyone got the UK statistics on Firefox usage? Is that a small
enough to be discriminated against? Precisely how small does a group
need to be before it becomes morally justified to discriminate against

Anyway consider the above idea, maybe for iPlayer, or if not some
other project, it would be an interesting experiment would it not?
Let's get back to an innovative BBC we used to have, remember the days
when the BBC where proud to do things others didn't. (Sorry
reminiscing about Walking With Dinosaurs, truly ground breaking when
that came out, pity the BBC won't do new innovative things any more,
preferring to copy other channels, iPlayer is not innovative in the
least, it's like 40D, only later and still in Beta).


Didn't find the article I _know_ I saw but this is close enough:

18.7% Firefox usage in the UK (and that's not counting the other browsers).

First hit on Google I got for "uk web browser statistics" (note: may
not be first for you, google personalises searches) provides some more
stats: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
Appears somewhere in the region of 40% of people aren't using IE. It's
OK to discriminate against 40% of people? No one else thinks that's

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                -- Adam Heath
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