On 1 Aug 2007, at 12:40, David Greaves wrote:
Christopher Woods wrote:

| I mean, come on, hands up who here on the list
| uses Linux as their primary OS.

I use Linux and OSX (also unsupported as of now).

I have a Vista box which is connected in an office, where I wouldn't want to use it, but I can't even use that!

Taking into account that there are many DVRs out there running Linux (including home-built MythTV boxes) or OSX (such as the AppleTV), it seems silly to rely on the Microsoft DRM system when it is not a *standard* that can be freely implemented by all.

I would *love* the BBC to take a stand and trust it's customers with the content without DRM at all, but I believe there are circumstances that do not allow that, which are not to do with the content but a possible threat of complaint from other broadcasters with their own DRM systems.

If someone wants to copy BBC content that is DRM encumbered, they're going to do it - in the same way you can remove the DRM on iTunes, on WMA, and so on. DRM prevents casual copying - it does not prevent pirates (those who sell on duplicates) who are the people spoiling the industry.

Just my two penneth,

Matthew Walster
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