On November 18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> Of course, the best would be, I call diff inside the lisp directory.
> Sorry for the confusion.

Well, no. There's a way of doing this that works from the root of the
tree as well, but my reading of the patch man page leads me to believe
that you need to have the CVS tree here: foo/bar/bbdb and your modifed
tree over there: foo/bar/bbdb-modified, and then you just diff -r the
two trees. Still, though. I would have expected cvs diff to do the
right thing. It's just plain irritating that it doesn't.

Waider. Or maybe I need to read some more fine manuals.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.
"So, these portents, taken together with the eclipse and casting this
 disembowelled handset over my desk... um, ...  oh dear ... I think I need to
 order a new phone from MIS." - james coleman

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