I'm running current CVS bbdb.

I have a few records where a user has two net records with the same
prefix.  E.g.:


If I type "bob" and then issue bbdb-complete-name, I want both
addresses to be a candidate for completion (I have
bbdb-completion-type set to nil).

What happens now is that one of the two is chosen randomly, based on
whichever one is first in bbdb-hashtable, I guess.

This comment from bbdb-complete-name seems to shed some light.

         ;; If we have two completions which expand to the same record, only
         ;; treat one as a completion.  For example, if the user asked for
         ;; completion on "foo" and there was a record of "Foo Bar <foo@baz>",
         ;; pretend the first completion ("Foo Bar") is valid and the second
         ;; ("foo@baz") is not, since they're actually the *same* completion
         ;; even though they're textually different.
         ;; realistically, because of the hash, you're not guaranteed
         ;; which will actually be selected. this hurts, of course.

Except that it is not always a choice between just "Foo Bar" and
"foo@baz", there could also be a "foo@yahoo" associated with the same
record.  I think current implementation chooses randomly among the
three when completing "foo"


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