> Please correct me if I am wrong: doesn't your approach require that
> $pkgdatadir is properly defined at compile time, though it is
> normally required by make only at install time?

The standard autotools way of "baking in" directories and such into
installed files is to do so at build time, using in the case of C/C++
things like

  ... -DDATADIR=\"$(datadir)\" ...

The analogous mechanism here is to rewrite the string, since the
bbdb-site.el file is not compiled so we cann't bake the directory into
bbdb-site.elc.  This is what I've done in the latest patch.

I suppose one could hotwire "make install" to rewrite the string, but
the usual convention is that what gets installed is exactly what was
built, just copied into the right places, and *maybe* at most debugging
info stripped.

One argument is: it's got to go *somewhere*, so why not in bbdb-site.el
where people would expect it?  Principle of least surprise.


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