The way I rewrote it this week maintained the property that all the earlier
files in the transformation chain were valid elisp, just maybe with
incorrect stuff in the strings. And with filename that are clearly destined
to be tweaked and renamed bbdb-site.el.

The difficulties I see with having bbdb-site grovel around to try to find
the right place, or to find a file containing a string which gives the
right place (which itself is a bit of a chicken-and-egg issue), are three

First, it seems like overhead at startup time, which should be avoided.

Second, it seems brittle and possibly hard to debug when it goes wrong.
"There's your problem, you had a file named xxx in your search path." Or
worse. "Sure it works when you load it manually, but it was preloaded in an
emacs that was unexeced for startup efficiency and in that environment ..."

Third, it just seems like an awfully big hammer for such a small nail:
preserving information known at build time for use at runtime.


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