On Mon Mar 3 2014 Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
> The standard autotools way of "baking in" directories and such into
> installed files is to do so at build time, using in the case of C/C++
> things like
>   ... -DDATADIR=\"$(datadir)\" ...

I see, ... I guess some people thought very carefully about what is
generally the best way.

> The analogous mechanism here is to rewrite the string, since the
> bbdb-site.el file is not compiled so we cann't bake the directory
> into bbdb-site.elc.  This is what I've done in the latest patch.
> I suppose one could hotwire "make install" to rewrite the string,
> but the usual convention is that what gets installed is exactly
> what was built, just copied into the right places, and *maybe* at
> most debugging info stripped.

Your arguments make sense. My reasoning has been different:  If
currently we have a file bbdb-site.el.in, even its name is as close
as possible to the final file bbdb-site.el.  Something like MELPA
can use a simple rule *.el.in -> *.el to get things going.
Unfortunately, your approach with sed needs to be more complicated
(unless I overlook something).

If bbdb-print-tex-path gets defined via defcustom in bbdb-site.el,
elisp does not require that the value of the variable is hard-coded
(not even if the file gets compiled).  If the value is a lisp
expression, this expression gets evaluated at run time.  That's why
I thought that this lisp expression could check for the presence of
a file bbdb-print-tex-path.el which is read and used to generate the
value for bbdb-print-tex-path.

If you suggested that the file bbdb-print-tex-path.el should already
be created at compile time, that would be fine with me, too.

> One argument is: it's got to go *somewhere*, so why not in
> bbdb-site.el where people would expect it?  Principle of least
> surprise.

If someone reads the actual code of bbdb-site.el, he'd find the lisp
expression that gets evaluated.

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