On Sep 11, 2008, at 12:25 AM, NZIBIS wrote:

> I don't know BBEdit well at all, but is there some way of mapping some
> other character to generate 'tab' or indents (perhaps via the Unix
> filters?), then have tab as the 'completion' character. The reason I'm
> thinking of this is, tab is the completion character in a number of
> the Unix shells. Maybe its just not practical within an editor.

Short answer: it isn't practical in an editor (at least for now.)

Longer answer:

There is no way to remap <insert tab or equivalent amount of spaces>  
in the editor to a key besides Tab.

I did have a prototype in the lab which allowed you to enable the Tab  
key as a completion trigger. But since that overloads Tab[1] it  
results in exactly the behavior you don't want — the completion list  
making an appearance where what you really intended to do was insert a  
Tab (or equiv spaces if auto-expand tabs is turned on.)

This doesn't rule out Tab as a possible (alternate) completion trigger  
in the future. (Nor does it guarantee it :-)). We may revisit the  
issue in the future, but there are certain usability obstacles to  
overcome before we can ship such a feature. Otherwise it will be  
frustrating for you. And us.

[1] Moreso than in the command line since you typically never use Tab  
for something else at the command line, but frequently use Tab in an  
editor to do other things.

> Also, is it possible to have the completion option only display, say,
> a line under a word where a completion is "on offer", rather than the
> list of completions

BBEdit does not currently offer this feature.


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