>>CGI is a module, earlier
>>wrote and stored in a separate files. I don't mean such objects.
>> >>
>And Python objects live where -- the sky? The stars?
> >
To create $cgi = new CGI you should make declaration "use CGI", shouldn't you? I meant only this

Err, you keep arguing about pointless things:

 import cgi

Does "cgi.test()" still work without the "import cgi" ?

So you have to do basically the equivalent of use CGI to be able to use the cgi object and therefore have access to all its functions.

And if you say, "Well I don't have to do my $cgi = new CGI so its better" is like me saying that perl is better because my shebang line takes up less file space that your python path. It's just pointless.

> >
>>Python and Ruby don't write the code for me. But look at this Python code:
>>s = "I am Perl guru";
>>new_s = s.replace("Perl", "Python");
>> >>
>No, you're using Python's built in string operators. Perl has them too:
> >

Python doc quotation:
" String Methods
replace( old, new[, count])

Return a copy of the string with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.

> $s = "I am a Perl guru";
> ( $new_s = $s ) =~ s/perl/python/;
>Remark, no additional modules.
> >
Agreed, but this is RE approach. This is supported by Python/Perl, but I meant another thing (hope you understand me).

No I don't understand.
Who cares if you do a regex or a built in function/method that does the regex for you?

You're arguments are all like "My dad can beat up your dad" when the truth is, in different circumstances either dad could beat up either dad.

Its better to you because you understand it, which doesn't make it better or worse.

In my opinion and experience Perl does everything I've ever needed to do programming wise, its easy to learn and expand, and has been easier to do that with than any other language I've played with. Your experience may be different. So in that sense my dad can beat up your dad, but in your experience it would seem your dad can beat up my dad :)

So to the OP: chin up! Python (or any other language) isn't going to replace Perl (and Perl is not going to replace any other languages), especially with lame arguments for Python like we've seen here ;p

Nobody's mentioned Moto yet :) Its pretty cool

Just my .02 :)

Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net
(By the way we offer Python as one of our features to appeal to more customers, can't we all just get along ;p)

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