On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 17:37 -0700, Walter Barnes wrote:
> However, I never intended to start a big debate about the best way to
> transistion from LFS to BLFS; my original question was if LFS includes
> some tool to convert HTML/PDF files to a form readable in LFS. The
> answer is no so I'm ready to move on.

I guess the issue is over the 'purity', for want of a better word, of
the base LFS installation - having everything done strictly by the book
to the point of booting into the new system before doing anything
outside of the LFS book.

Most of us, it appears, don't consider it particularly important at all.
I know I don't - for example, I always include PAM and cracklib from
BLFS as part of the initial installation instead of re-installing Shadow
with them later. So installing a few extra packages before booting up
the new system just isn't considered a big deal.


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