----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 8:25 PM
Subject: RE: A Problem For Conservatives

> > -----Original Message-----
> > Behalf Of Robert Seeberger
> ...
> > xponent
> > More Than You Wanted To Know Maru
> And less, too!  (Since I was asking about his talks on science and
> religion...)

More that you didnt want to know:

Something you *are* looking for:
God is very difficult to define, but I feel his presence. I feel an
omnipresence everywhere and something, at the same time, rather personal. In
religion, people talk about revelations. In science you find many
revelations, too, it's just that people don't talk about them that way. When
the idea for the laser came to me, I was sitting on a park bench thinking,
Now, why haven't I been able to do this? Suddenly a new idea comes to me, a
new creation. Where did it come from? Did God give me this idea? Who knows?
I didn't suddenly have a view of God's face, if that's what you mean. In
science we just don't talk about it much. You say, Well, I had an idea. In
the religious world people talk about revelations. They are not so basically



An interview with Townes.



The ancient covenant is in pieces: Man knows at last that he is alone in the
universe's unfeeling immensity, out of which he emerged only by chance." So
pronounced the Nobel Prize-winning French biologist Jacques Monod in his
1970 treatise Chance and Necessity, which maintained that God had been
utterly refuted by science. The divine is fiction, faith is hokum, existence
is a matter of heartless probability - and this wasn't just speculation,
Monod maintained, but proven. The essay, which had tremendous influence on
the intellectual world, seemed to conclude a millennia-old debate. Theology
was in retreat, unable to explain away Darwin's observations; intellectual
approval was flowing to thinkers such as the Nobel-winning physicist Steven
Weinberg, who in 1977 pronounced, "The more the universe seems
comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless." In 1981, the National
Academy of Sciences declared, "Religion and science are separate and
mutually exclusive realms of human thought." Case closed.



In the words of Charles Townes, the "determinism of the last century was
completely overturned by..quantum mechanics..We now believe that the future
is not fundamentally determined nor completely predictable." Science now has
room, in other words, for that fundamental tenet of religious belief, free



Many leading scientists today see no contradiction between religion and its
fabled antithesis. Physicist Charles Townes, 1964 co-winner of the Nobel
Prize, sees religion and science as "basically the same thing." Townes, who
recently outlined his views in an interview with the Washington Post,
explains that "both are human creations. In both we use faith, we use
assumptions, and we have uncertainties." "I've always based my moral and
religious ideas on the idea that there is something out there 'bigger than
[man].'" That view, he adds, "is what I base my actions on." Townes believes
some scientists take bigger leaps of faith than religious believers: "To get
around the anthropic universe without invoking God may force you to extreme
speculation about there being billions of universes," which "strikes me as
much more freewheeling than any of the church's claims."

Better? Maru
You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
the universe is laughing behind your back.


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