Robert Seeberger wrote:

>  Charles Hard Townes was born in Greenville, South Carolina, on July 28,
> 1915, the son of Henry Keith Townes, an attorney, and Ellen (Hard) Townes.
> He attended the Greenville public schools and then Furman University in
> Greenville, where he completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Science
> degree in physics and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Languages,
> graduating summa cum laude in 1935, at the age of 19. 

Where's Greenville?  (Is there a good map of SC somewhere on-line so I
can figure it out my own darn self?)

> A member of the technical staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories from 1933 to
> 1947, Dr. Townes worked extensively during World War II in designing radar
> bombing systems and has a number of patents in related technology. From this
> he turned his attention to applying the microwave technique of wartime radar
> research to spectroscopy, which he foresaw as providing a powerful new tool
> for the study of the structure of atoms and molecules and as a potential new
> basis for controlling electromagnetic waves.

Which campus of Bell Labs?  Is that information available?


curious as to whether or not any of Sammy's ancestors crossed paths with
Dr. Townes

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