on 6/1/03 2:32 am, Julia Thompson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Nick Arnett wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Behalf Of Richard Baker
>> ...
>>> The thing is, it's not possible to prove the Big Bang. How would one
>>> even go about trying to prove it?
>> But this guy is questioning the very notion of order arising from chaos, as
>> though science couldn't possibly deal with such a concept.  Hello?  We don't
>> need God to show how that happens.  From my point of view, God created a
>> universe made of stuff that works that way; if there's a miracle there, it's
>> that such things exist, not how they behave.
>> How much education will it take for people to realize that understanding how
>> creation works, whether in evolution, the birth of the universe, or
>> whatever, doesn't rule out God's existence?  I suppose I run the risk of
>> offending some friends (not here, I suspect) by saying that every time I see
>> some Christian slogan or symbol decrying Darwin, I immediately tend to
>> assume that it belongs to someone who ever learned much of anything about
>> the science of evolution.
>> And on this subject, is anyone here familiar with Dr. Charles Townes and his
>> talks on science and Christianity?  He's speaking near here on Feb. 8th and
>> I'm thinking of going.  He's the inventor of the laser, a Nobel laureate and
>> the flyer for the talk says he "will speak on the modern convergence between
>> science and religion into a unified way of understanding reality."
> All this reminds me of something I saw a bit of on TV, where some
> Christians were arguing the point that Christianity is favorable to the
> scientific method, that Christians invented it, and that the pursuit of
> science was a great way to come to understanding more of God's
> creation.  I changed the channel before it got much past 1700 or so in
> the history of science and Christianity.  (I think it came on after a
> church service someone was watching over the holidays, and we changed
> the channel so as to be sure not to miss any football.  I couldn't tell
> you which channel, but I suspect whichever religious channel Cox cable
> carries in my area, which I'm not going to look up right this minute.)

The poor dears! Someone should have told them that God doesn't exist before
they wasted all that effort!

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

Putting an infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of keyboards
will _not_ result in the greatest work of all time. Just look at Windows.


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