--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...He gave the work of Marx that he based his
> opinion on.  Its easy
> to find and read on the web; its quite short.
> I just typed marx jewish question and got
> http://csf.colorado.edu/psn/marx/Archive/1844-JQ/
> let me quote from it.

Part II _was_ short (and besides being anti-Jewish
seems anti-Christian as well, just somewhat less so);
Part I was _not_ short, and I'm very glad you didn't
say 'light reading' either as it was heavy slogging
(OK, not as bad as some other philosophical texts I've
read)... ;) ). 

Good thing I'm wearing knee-high boots, though.  Both
of these treatises were full of unjustified
assumptions, grand generalizations, and what I can
only call 'statements of rabid fervor.'  When you make
up your own definitions of words and phrases, I guess
it's easy to come to 'logical conclusions.'  :P
In my not-so-humble opinion, of course.

>From Part I:
"...Only when the real, individual man re-absorbs in
himself the abstract citizen, and as an individual
human being has become a species-being in his everyday
life, in his particular work, and in his particular
situation, only when man has recognized and organized
his "own powers" as -social powers, and, consequently,
no longer separates social power from himself in the
shape of political power, only then will human
emancipation have been accomplished."

An individual is never an abstract being, and while we
reduce populations to predictable statistics, the
individual is not solely constrained within them. 
>From this paper, I'd put Marx in the "I love Mankind,
but find people despicable" category of elitism. 
(Admittedly not having read any more of his work than
this and the little I remember from a couple of
college courses.)

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