In a message dated 11/14/2003 4:43:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> He's quite clear in the intro that it's a work of fiction. A 'wink wink nod
> nod' scenario would have been a single line which said 'Of course, I don't
> support this.' Instead, he wrote three quite honest-sounding paragraphs
> explaining his position. IMO, you're drawing conclusions that have no
> evidence to support them. And, just because someone writes something
> doesn't mean they are advocating it, and to imply they are with (I repeat)
> _no evidence_ is the worst kind of thought police manipulation of reality.
> Out of curiosity, do you object to Tom Clancy novels? After all, they
> contain plausible scenarios by which our country and government heads could
> be attacked by all sorts of terrorists, resulting in the
> deaths of millions.
You are not seriously comparing this to Clancy are you? Oh my god there really is a conspiracy out there; I have been manuevered into liking Clancy better than something else. Lets get real. This guy is of course a nut, but his fantasy is not a popular fiction it is a wish (kind of like me wishing that Rebecca Romjin would walk into my apartment right now and do unspeakable things to me. Of course I am not planning on this but I do wish it would happen). I am also a bit suprised by the moral relativism that I see here. Some right wing nut says something horrible and a moderate or liberal complains. When the bad thing can't be denied the answer is that all groups do it. This may be true but it matters very much how often all groups do something and how members of the group respond to bad things coming from their group. The statement that everyone strikes out does not mean that Jason Giambi and I are equal. I think the right does it more and excuses itself when it gets caught. We forgive Rush for his little drug problem; poor man was addicted to pain killers and had to get drugs illegally (by the way; I am a doctor and I have serious doubts about how often people get addicted to pain killers because of problems like chronic low back pain. Most people get addicted because they want to get high). No conservative raises an eyebrow about the timing of Rush's decision to enter rehab. Do you think a democrat would get cut the same slack? So enough of this crap. Quit ganging up on the Fool (my god more of the nasty conspiracy - now I am defending the fool).

My take on the article: I agree with Jon's assessment that this isn't a "wink wink nod nod" scenario. On the other hand, the "gusto" with which he provides the exact details of his little nasty scenario leave me far less than sanguine about this guy. I wouldn't really

The problems with The Fool's post, as mentioned by others, are 1) He pulled the quote out of context to remove the surrounding text that moderates it and 2) his subject line further distorts things. For someone who regularly posts articles loudly criticizing the lies and distortions of other assorted groups, I don't think it's unfair to call him on it.

As for the stuff about Rush, I really have no opinion as I don't watch/listen to him. I would point out, though, that he's not a politician, just a media pundit (ie: not a government official) and IMHO we have less right to outrage over his private sins than we would for someone in government. In any case, I'd bet that if a Democrat pundit or politician announced some addiction, we'd see Democrats making excuses and cutting slack and Republicans making criticisms. And with Rush, it was the opposite. To me, that's politics as usual, and one of the biggest reasons I hate politics.

This brings to mind a pet peeve of mine that drove me crazy, but I've never seen anyone else comment on it... Back during the Clinton era, from day 1 of his presidency, Clinton was constantly being called a pothead for his admitted "didn't inhale" trial experience. To this day, I still see him called that. But then GWB admits while running for pres that he was a cocaine *user*, which I'd argue is a worse drug, with a worse usage history. The "pothead" complainers were strangely silent...

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