On Friday 2004-01-09 05:34, Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> Trent Shipley wrote:
> >>> If there are 2M inhabited planets then there are 14M fallow planets.
> >>> At any given time there must be a total of 16M habitable planets.
> >>
> >> Ok, 700ky, or 1My, don't change the final numbers very much
> >

> > -Total O-2 habitable planets now
> > --- leased:fallow
> > --- natural:terraformed
> > --- proportion of A, B, C and homeworld leases.
> > --- Mean number of planets per citizen race
> > --- fairness in distributing leases.
> I also think we came to some figures here.

2M *leased* planets, about 10 per citizen race.  No comments on the ratio of 
terraformed to natural or what kinds of leases.

> > With regard to planets I visit:
> > http://www.activemind.com/Mysterious/Topics/SETI/drake_equation.html
> Some of the factors in Drake's equation are still _extremely_ innacurate.
> > N = N* fp ne fl fi fc fL
> >
> > N: communicating life.
> > N*: number of stars, site suggests 100 * 10^9 for Milky Way alone
> > fp: fraction of stars with planets
> Seems close to 1 :-)
> > ne: number of planets where life can exist
> Seems close to 1/10^11 :-)
> > fl: fraction where life evolves
> > fi: fraction were intelligent life evolves
> > fc: fraction that can and do communicate
> > fL: fraction of timewhere communicating civilization exists
> >
> > Galactics will colonize any planet where life evolves.  fi, fc, and fL
> > are irrelevant for calculating planets under GIM control.
> In fact, these numbers _do_ apply to Uplift. fl is 1, because the
> Progenitors fed the planets with life. fi is 2/[total number of species
> that ever existed] if you accept Earthclan's supersticions, or
> 1/[total] if you are an Awaiter. Otherwise, this question is anathema.
> > (Alternatively fi=1, all planets with life get infested with intelligent
> > life. fc=1, all inhabited planets participate in Galcatic Civilization.
> > 0.12 > fL >.1 since inhabitable planets spend most of their
> > existence in fallow.)
> Ok.
> > Ngim =  N* fp ne fl
> > N* =  100*10^9 per SETI
> > fp  =  0.2 (conservative per SETI)
> > ne =  1 (conservative per SETI)
> SETIst are optmistic fanatics :-)
> > fl  =  0.0001 (pretty conservative, but then the GIM is only interested
> > in planets with *complex* life.)
> fl can be any number :-)
> > That gives us 2M *naturally* existing planets in the Milky Way controled
> > by the GIM and 10M naturally occuring planets under GIM control through
> > five galaxies.  If 4/5 of all GIM controlled planets are terrformed then
> > we wind up with 50M GIM planets in five galaxies.
> Ok. But it's better to go back and set the Drake factors based on what
> we want to get in the end.

Excellent idea!

N* = 100*10^9 (that is, 1.00E+11)
fp = .75 (most systems have planets)
ne = .25 (few could support life, partly a cheat factor)
fl = 3.00E-05 (3/100,000 have life, entirely a cheat factor.  Implies there 
are a lot of terraforming candidates....)
fi = 1 (ALL good planets get colonized)
fc = 1 (If colonized, the setlers participate in O-2 Civ.)
fL = .125 (7 times out of 8 a planet is fallow)

This gives the number of planets that could *naturally* support life in the 
Milky Way

N = 7.03E+04

5 galaxies

Total natural planets under GIM control = 2.81E+06

Total natural GIM leased planets = 5N = 3.52E+05

Natural/Terraformed = 1/6

Total GIM planets (B or C leasable) = 1.69E+07

(We don't count A class leases because they are in need of terraforming.)

Total GIM B or C leases at present time = 2.11E+06

Giving us about 11.1 planets per race, which is close enough to 10.


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