Trent Shipley wrote:
>>> If there are 2M inhabited planets then there are 14M fallow planets. 
>>> At any given time there must be a total of 16M habitable planets.
>> Ok, 700ky, or 1My, don't change the final numbers very much
> Nope.
> Look.  I want to write about Clan Tothtoon.  To do that it would be helpful
> to pin down some numbers, namely:
> -Total number of races in O-2 Civilization "now".
> (total number of individuals or biomass would be interesting but not
> critical)
I think we already came to that number, didn't we? Something
around 200k.

> -Average number of clients per patron (obviously slightly more than 1)
Slightly higher than 1, but not even close to 2. More likely some
number like (1 + 1/n), for n > 4

> -- Distribution of access to clients among potential patrons (Members of
> Clan Tothtoon tend to be priviledged, the question is how priviledged.)
Find it, uplift it. Wise and non-expansionist patrons will trade found
clients for other benefits.

> -Total O-2 habitable planets now
> --- leased:fallow
> --- natural:terraformed
> --- proportion of A, B, C and homeworld leases.
> --- Mean number of planets per citizen race
> --- fairness in distributing leases.
I also think we came to some figures here.

> With regard to planets I visit:
Some of the factors in Drake's equation are still _extremely_ innacurate.

> N = N* fp ne fl fi fc fL
> N: communicating life.
> N*: number of stars, site suggests 100 * 10^9 for Milky Way alone
> fp: fraction of stars with planets
Seems close to 1 :-)

> ne: number of planets where life can exist
Seems close to 1/10^11 :-)

> fl: fraction where life evolves
> fi: fraction were intelligent life evolves
> fc: fraction that can and do communicate
> fL: fraction of timewhere communicating civilization exists
> Galactics will colonize any planet where life evolves.  fi, fc, and fL are
> irrelevant for calculating planets under GIM control.
In fact, these numbers _do_ apply to Uplift. fl is 1, because the
Progenitors fed the planets with life. fi is 2/[total number of species
that ever existed] if you accept Earthclan's supersticions, or
1/[total] if you are an Awaiter. Otherwise, this question is anathema.

> (Alternatively fi=1, all planets with life get infested with intelligent
> life. fc=1, all inhabited planets participate in Galcatic Civilization. 
> 0.12 > fL >.1 since inhabitable planets spend most of their
> existence in fallow.)

> Ngim =  N* fp ne fl
> N* =  100*10^9 per SETI
> fp  =  0.2 (conservative per SETI)
> ne =  1 (conservative per SETI)
SETIst are optmistic fanatics :-)

> fl  =  0.0001 (pretty conservative, but then the GIM is only interested in
> planets with *complex* life.)
fl can be any number :-)

> That gives us 2M *naturally* existing planets in the Milky Way controled by
> the GIM and 10M naturally occuring planets under GIM control through five
> galaxies.  If 4/5 of all GIM controlled planets are terrformed then we wind
> up with 50M GIM planets in five galaxies.
Ok. But it's better to go back and set the Drake factors based on what 
we want to get in the end.

Alberto Monteiro


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