Gautam Mukunda wrote:

My own sense of Kerry comes from five years in Boston.
 I kept running into liberal Democrats who hated,
hated, _hated_ George Bush.  They also knew (as in had
met) John Kerry (Massachusetts is a sufficiently small
state that running into a Senator is a fairly common
occurrence).  And many of them said that they would
vote for Bush before they voted for Kerry.  It was
quite remarkable - I've really never seen anything
like it.  Al Gore generated something of the same
feeling, I think, but at a far lower level of intensity.

What was it about Kerry?

One of my friends is a big Demo fund-raiser here in Silicon Valley and he jumped on the Kerry bandwagon very early. (And so I've passed on a few chances to meet Kerry, based on the price tag for lunch or dinner!)

I like what Dean's organization is doing, but I'm not sure that makes Dean the best candidate... so I guess I'm undecided, at best. Uninformed, I'm afraid.

I'm often seized with a desire to vote Green.


Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198


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