"John D. Giorgis" wrote:
> At 12:11 PM 1/20/2004 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
> >My own sense of Kerry comes from five years in Boston.
> > I kept running into liberal Democrats who hated,
> >hated, _hated_ George Bush.  They also knew (as in had
> >met) John Kerry (Massachusetts is a sufficiently small
> >state that running into a Senator is a fairly common
> >occurrence).
> Uhhh.... Gautam.... I think that you are forgetting that you are travelling
> in a pretty extraordinary circle having gone from a Poli Sci major at
> Harvard to McKinsey.

I saw nothing extraordinary in Gautam's statement.

Then again, my perception of New England states is influenced by my time
in New Hampshire, which had a smaller population than Massachusetts.

But one of my senators came to my high school and spoke to a smallish
group of students -- no more than 80 of us, IIRC, and maybe even not
that many.  He answered questions we had.

And in the first election in which I could vote, the guy running against
him was a member of my church, so I saw him now and again.  Plus he
lived in my town, and greeted me as I was leaving the polling place,
having cast my ballot.  (What do you say to someone you've just voted


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