--- Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What was it about Kerry?
> I'm often seized with a desire to vote Green.
> Nick

Hi Nick.  I think that the common complaint is that he
is nothing but ambition.  That's the phrase I've
heard.  There are a bunch of stories about that.  He
started signing his name "JFK" when he was 19 or 20 to
make himself seem more Presidential.  My favorite is
that he founded a veterans against the war group after
Vietnam and became quite a celebrity for throwing away
his medals as a rejection of the war.  Except, as it
was later revealed, they were _someone else's_ medals.
 There's a bunch of that in his public record - he's
been a perfect weathervane.  Apparently it comes
through in his private life.  I've never met him, so I
can't say from personal experience, but those who have
all say pretty much the same things about him - that
if you're not "useful" to him, you're nothing to him. 
It also strikes me that the Washington Press Corps,
which is usually pathetically in the tank for any
plausible moderate Democrat, just can't _stand_ the
guy.  It's remarkable.  Mickey Kaus has written about
it a fair amount on his webpage.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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