> Behalf Of Gary Nunn


> Cass wants a U.S. Supreme Court that will outlaw abortion and 
> gay marriage. "Do you want to take your children to a National
> baseball game for instance and have homosexuals showing affection
to one 
> another? I don't want my kids to see that," he said. 

For me, this was the most telling quote in the entire article.  It
completely undermines the argument that gays have the same right to
"marriage" as anyone else and that pushing gay marriage is somehow
giving gays an "extra" priviledge.  How does outlawing gay marriage
stop gays from "showing affection to one another" in public?
Answer:  it doesn't.  But it is a clue as to what is the real agenda
of this effort.  Push 'em back in the closet and out of sight so we
can pretend they don't exist.

I remember making this argument with a local radio talk show host
almost 20 years ago.  The host couldn't understand why gays wanted
the right to "broadcast their sexuality to the world".  My argument
was that everytime I walk down the street holding hands with my wife
or kissing her in public, *I* am broadcasting my sexuality to the
world.  It just happens to be heterosexual and is "acceptable".
That's all gays want, is the same right as anyone else to be able to
do that and not be subjected to harrassment, violence or worse.
Things haven't changed in 20 years.

Also, notice that this guy isn't saying "let abortion and gay
marriage be up to the individual states".  No, he says he wants the
SCOTUS to "outlaw" them.

 - jmh

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