Apparently armor-plate manufacturers are currently working at only half capacity. They say they can double output any time the Fed asks them to. (Presumably they are not outsourcing.)

Do you have a cite?

All Rummy and co have to do is send a team to Iraq, evaluate the different field solutions our troops have come up with, select the best ones, disperse appropriate templates along with several tons of RHA sheet, perhaps .5" thick, and allow the Engineering units go to town. Just like they did in WWII, just like they did in Vietnam. Of course I won't go into detail how troops make do without such supplies (the Super Pershing, sent to Europe specifically to kill Tiger tanks, was uparmored using plate scavenged off of dead German Panthers), but the solution is so simple to implement...

Which reinforces my contention that the current administration has not learned from Vietnam.


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
Now Building: Revell of Germany's M60A3


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