> Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
> > >Russell Chapman wrote:

> > > Under marshall law, in a state of emergency (and
> I understand both
> > > have been declared) these people should be
> rounded up and used as
> > > labour to clean up flooded hospitals or
> something. <snip>

And cleaning up after flooding with sewage-,
petrochemical-, and corpse-contaminated water would
certainly be more than sufficient punishment.  But
I'll bet they could sue that it was 'cruel and
unusual,' don'tcha know...

> Anyone who is looting big-screen TVs, computers,
> DVDs, and other 
> high-ticket electronic items from stores in an area
> where there is no 
> electricity and there is not likely to be
> electricity for weeks at the 
> earliest (more likely months) has already shown
> evidence of somewhat less-than-perfect reasoning ...

Aww, c'mon, Ronn!  "But Mr. CoastGuard Man, I just
bought this plasma TV before the storm - can't you
take it out on the helicopter?"  <snort>

Although I must say that if bottled water etc. isn't
air-dropped to trapped folks, I couldn't blame them
for looting food and water.

Having lived over a decade in Baton Rouge, I am truly
sorry for what the home-lost folks across the Gulf
South are enduring right now, and what they will face
for the next few years.  If you've never dealt with
such tortuous humidity, you cannot imagine it. 
Whatever those floodwaters touch for more than a few
hours will be utterly ruined - molded and mildewed
beyond recall.  The stench alone, in 90-100oF heat,
will be nauseating.  People I know have (thankfully!)
come through mostly OK (although a friend's niece
suffered a broken arm while trapped under house rubble
for a couple of hours), but their house was
*completely* demolished.  And it was miles inland
(near BR, in fact).

Oh, The Humanity Maru   :(

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