On Sep 1, 2005, at 12:24 PM, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

--- Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When threads collide...

It occurred to me that the answer to the original question in the "Gas Prices" thread was "looting," just being engaged in by corporations, and
not individuals.

I think that whatever punishment is meted out to individuals caught
looting stores ought to be brought to bear upon corporations who engage
in looting in the form of hyper-inflated gas prices.

Because obeying the law and maintaining property rights is the same
thing as stealing things at gun point. And clearly it's a good idea to
make sure that there is no incentive whatsoever for corporations to
prevent shortages and create stockpiles. It's always reassuring to know
that no matter how brutally bad the mistakes we made in the past were
(see price controls on gasoline in the 1970s)...there are people who
want to do it all over again.

Hmm. I don't recall saying that. I recall saying ... well, there it is,
just above your paragraph: that if corporations engage in looting in the
form of hyper-inflationary gas prices, they should be punished as thieves.

I suspect that you have a strong filter through which you hear virtually
everything I say, and it is not an especially good one.

Dave "Since when is fairness the same as centralized control?" Land


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