I would be interested in seeing William provide evidence that the Catholic
Church has been running a "pedophile" ring for centuries...

There are many things that are true for which no evidence can be produced.
In fact, I would suggest that no evidence can be produced for most of what
is true.  I've got two objects in my left, front pocket as I type this.
What are they?  You have no "evidence" at the moment to prove one way or
another what I have in my left front pocket.  Does that mean that nothing is
there?  No, it just means that there is not evidence, or at least no
evidence that you have access to.  This constant demand for evidence is
unreasonable.  It is narrow minded.  A person who believes only the evidence
doesn't believe much. This is especially true when it comes to religion.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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