"Why do we behave the way we behave?  What has become of us? Where is
our soul?"
DUMPED ON SKID ROW - Hospitals drop homeless patients on the city's
Skid Row.
-- jlm

--The first thing that comes to mind is that this is an expect-able,
albeit immoral, response to the mess that hospitals find themselves in
with regard to treatment of the indigent.
... what is needed is a system in which everyone can get a Chevy, but
you have to pay your own money if you want a BMW.  The system we have
now is that... (sic) once a patient is in, they must be afforded the
best care available... This is an overwhelming cost to the hospitals.

i just had routine microsurgery for my lower lumbar region and the bill
was well over $20,000.  my in network portion is over $10,000.  they
kicked me out after one day with very little followup.  i would have
been better off spending the money on prevention and seeking
alternative medicine.

i suppose hospitals have to compensate for losses when they provide
services for indigent patients like my alcoholic and homeless brother. 
the hospital wanted me to sign a release to take him off life support,
but  i couldn't do it.  miraculously his liver recovered, probably due
to the expensive intensive care he received.  the last time he tried to
go into rehab he was refused, so he robbed a bank for $100 and went to
the police station to turn himself in.  he spent thirty months in a
federal detention center, which is the longest he has been sober in
forty years...  the insurance and pharmaceutical companies seem to be
doing quite well, which is part of the reason my brother became
addicted to prescription medicine when he worked for a think tank and
had great coverage.   

--This problem is a good one for discussion here.  However, it will not
be solved by polemics that provide simple stories with heroes and
villains like that provided by Moore.  There is a hard way out for
this, just no easy way out.
Dan M. 

i think michael moore has done a real service with his controversial
documentaries.   he doesn't pretend not to have an agenda when he has
louis armstrong singing "it's a beautiful world" with a collage of all
the world's inhumanities as background, or bush sitting dazed like a
deer in the headlights for seven minutes while america is under attack.
 the message is much more powerful than rants by dennis miller or bill
o'reilly, who also have an agenda.

i very much like the idea of a string of simple health clinics staffed
by medics, med techs, nurse-practitioners, and physician assistants -
with doctors on call, so they can be free for important emergencies.  i
do believe there are some good alternative medicine resources, and some
out right snake medicine scams.  there are plenty of quacks in the
medical profession, as well and doctors who think they are god, or are
in the profession for the money.  even though  i am a skeptic about
chanting, gris gris and juju cures, i never negate the power of

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