On Jun 28, 2004, at 4:09 PM, The Fool wrote:


At 12:08 PM 6/28/2004 -0600 Jim Burton wrote:

On Jun 27, 2004, at 1:42 AM, The Fool wrote:

Save a copy of this before it goes down the memory hole:

There is a new campaign ad viewable at The Official Re-election Site

President George W. Bush that you will not BELIEVE! (Click the big,
"Watch!" button.)

It's called The Faces of John Kerry's Democratic Party and it shows
people like Al Gore, Howard Dean, Al Gephardt and John Kerry
into HITLER! It starts with Gore in a speech, morphing into Hitler,
a crowd shouting "Seig Heil!". It goes on like that. YOU WON'T
IT! Go watch before they pull it down!!!

Um, there's no morphing in this video. The shots cut from images of
dems to hitler, but there's no morphing.

My understanding is that this is an "ad about ads." i.e. the Bush campaign is running an ad highlighting the absolutely ridiculous and mean-spirited things the Moveon.org wing of the Democratic Party is supporting.

There you go again. Deliberately misinforming people. MoveOn.org did
not make, endorse, support, and in fact repudiated and removed the
materials you are inaccurately referring to from a contest in which 1300
amateurs--in no way affiliated with moveon--submitted materials, of which
two were inappropriate.

So we're agreed -- comparing the Bush administration (or the Democrats, for that matter) to Hitler IS inappropriate. It seems to me that Hitler is pretty much in a class by himself.


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