> The members of the "Moveon.org" crowd certainly take
> a strict "either you
> are with us or against us" zeitgeist.  
> Just look at the things they say about anyone who
> supported impecahment -

I could not believe what I read here.  It is like the
Spanish Inquisition screeching at anyone who doubts
their motived during an auto-da fe.

The impeachment gang put us through half a billion
dollars and three years of hell resulting in ZERO
convictions of anyone, for anything.  AT ALL!  

Of the hypocrites who pursued BC over Lewinsky, nearly
ALL of them had had messy divorces, some of them
involving wife-beating or torrid affairs.  This gang
of maniacs hijack the national agenda for 3 years of
hell... and then scream that they are victims when a
group organizes to RESPOND?????


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