On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 22:52:06 -0500, Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 22:35:18 -0400, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > At 10:30 PM 6/29/2004 -0700 Doug Pensinger wrote:
> > >> Well, that's a difference of opinion.   My feeling was that Moveon.org
> > >> only removed the ads when there was a public outcry.
> > >
> > >Your feeling based on what?
> >
> > The numerous denizens of the Left who are very comfortable with making
> > Bush-Hitler comparisons.   Or as my best liberal Democrat friend has been
> > doing recently, making Bush-Milosevic comparisons.
> I haven't been too uncomfortable making Bush very early Nazi party
> comparisons.  Remember that the Nazi party started as a extreme
> patriotic/anti-communist party with support from conservate religious
> corporate leaders and had years to consolidate power after sliding-in
> as a minority government.
> Have you somehow ignored the years of Clinton and left Nazi comparisons?
> > Also, Moveon.org is pretty inept if they just let any yahoo put a video on
> > their website without reviewing it first.   Indeed, that possibility is too
> > far-fetched for me to even believe.
> They provided an upload address.  The one's in poor taste  were taken
> down within hours.  I might expect you to have a problem with
> democracy and free speech and just telling people, Hey, we'll put good
> ads on TV if you think you can make one.
> A citizen's movement asking for creative solutions and volunteers.
> Hard to imagine compared to a conservative  political party that pays
> for everything including the right-wing student newspapers and
> training on college campuses.

NEWSWEEK asked an interactive content developer for a large New York
City advertising firm to view the video and offer his professional
opinion. After laughing out loud at the video, he said the picture of
Hitler overwhelms any other message and that the entire advertisement
seemed poorly conceived. "If you're not aware of the MoveOn.org
campaign, it seems like a ridiculous point. It's picking up a
spitball, polishing it, and throwing it back at them. It's like
saying: 'I'm like Hitler? No you're like Hitler'."


Gary Denton  -- Sounds like a flame war maru

#1 on google for liberal news

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