At 10:43 PM 7/8/2004 -0500 Julia Thompson wrote:
>> > At 10:03 AM 7/6/2004 -0700 Davd Brin wrote:
>> > >Clarke managed the most successful war/intervention
>> > in
>> > >our history
>> >
>> > ....and also one of the more inept campaigns in our
>> > history.
>> This is Ministry of Truth talk.
>> In other words, a diametric attempt to help spread a
>> Big Lie.
>> There are NO levels of comparison by which the Balkans
>> intervention was not vastly superior to the present
>> inept mess.
>Maybe I'm totally off-base, but I thought he was referring to Clarke's
>*political* campaign earlier this year, having absolutely nothing to do
>with his prior military successes.  At least, that was how I read it.

Thank you Julia and Dan.   You are right - I am referring to his
Presidential campaign.... and honestly Clarke made Kerry look positively
dynamic in comparison.    Come to think of it, that probably explains how
the Democrats ended up with Kerry at the top of the ticket.

I will also say that as a Republican who considers George W. Bush to be
about the closest thing to my ideal President that I will ever likely see
in my adult life - to the extent that I cared whom Kerry picks as his VP
(in all honesty VP's don't win or lose elections) - that to that extent
Edwards is the one person I did not want to see him pick.   (i.e. if I had
to pick one Democratic VP who could surprisingly actually make a
difference, the one most likely to do so in my mind would be Edwards.)
Personally, I'm just thankful that Democratic voters were too slow-footed
in the wake of the Dean implosion to realize what a gem of a campaigner
they had in Edwards - even if he is under-qualified.



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