On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 12:27:52 -0700 (PDT), Gautam Mukunda
> --- Damon Agretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Gautam, Michael Moore is hardly the official
> > spokesperson of ALL people who identify themselves
> > as
> > Democrats, and it would be disingenious to do so, as
> > well as unfair. I have publically railed against his
> > bit of propoganda on other lists, and would be happy
> > to do so here. I identify myself as a "democrat"
> > (but
> > never a "leftist, rightist, upist, downist, etc")
> > and
> > I hardly feel his propodocumentary to be anything
> > BUT
> > biased and manipulative.
> >
> > Damon.
> Well, here's the problem.  In the Washington DC
> premiere of Fahrenheit 9/11, more than half the
> Democratic members of the Senate showed up to cheer
> Moore on.  That's _not_ okay.  Not even a tiny bit.
> It's symptomatic of the attitude of a lot of people on
> this list.  James Lileks said it best - they were
> perturbed by 9/11 but enraged by George Bush.  I wash
> my hands of them.  I'm done.

I recently saw Fahrenheit 9/11 and it is a partisan but fact based
documentary equivalent to Rush and Hannity and much more balanced and
lucid than Mike Savage.

Gary Denton

#1 on google for liberal news

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