My own feeling about this is;

1) Pass or fail, just like Jim said, we should be grateful for the age we
live in.  I'm pretty sure that if I were born 100 years ago I would not be
doing anything constructive with my life.  Today - tons of technology, all
of it is accessible.  I can walk into a bookstore and buy a book on any tech
I'm interested in.  That's not an accident, companies have smartened up.

2) Man, how's IPX supposed to have the material for this test together so
quickly?  What is this, a race?!  4 weeks have passed since the new exam
started and candidates were running like hell to get their "number".  The
process of professional "progress" has become so absurd.  Don't forget,
guys, you're supposed to know this stuff fundamentally.  If you play your
cards right, there'll come a day when you'll face deployments a HELL of a
lot more difficult than 8 phones in a lab.  Great training programs, great
vendors, a profession that's in demand.  Presumably, we're all in the VoIP
profession already.  I, for one, am not doing this to move on from
what I'm doing, I'm doing it to improve - and I will.  And I'm sure it'll be

Guys, one more thing; I can't tell you how many CCIEs I know that are out of
work.  The CCIE is not a guarentee of anything.  Good engineers are lucky
to be hired by good organizations that value their body of work and track
record.  This is one more step in a long effort of development.  If you
focus on the failures that happen because of  bullet points on a test,
you're missing the point.

Keep training.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Jim Van Kirk <> wrote:

>  Okay...I'll play the part of a grandpa here although I'm not nearly that
> old....
> Guys/Gals you are going to be blind-sided by something... expect that.
> It's been my experience through the many Cisco tests I've taken that to
> pass the are expected to be one part engineer, one part architect
> and one part artist.
> Sorry, I have no sympathy for someone who is complaining about vendor
> training products. There was a time when there were very few training
> products(Wayne chime in if you want, you have an early number too ;)
> had to go seek the experts in a given field, figure out the technologies
> inside and out and spend months at the gear to be an expert. I think given
> the tremendous effort put forth by the folks at IPExpert so far, there is an
> awful lot to appreciate (at least speaking for myself). Anyone who has
> developed core content can tell you that it takes time..and a lot of it. So
> kudos to IPX for their hard work...but realize that nothing out there will
> give you everything you need..
> Sean, Nara, I don't think the letter of the NDA was broken per say, but I
> would say the spirit was though..I don't think it was a malicious act, but
> perhaps not the best forum to say what was said. The test will continue to
> increase in difficulty, but from the feedback we've heard it is a reasonable
> assesment of skill sets that should be mastered. V2 just seemed to be an
> impossible feat to accomplish (because of NDA violations) and it sounds like
> you had to be more artist and magician than engineer and architect
> I've run through countless paper certs in my career and I for one
> appreciate all the effort Cisco is putting forth to reduce the frauds out
> there...
> My .02, for what it's worth...
> Thanks, Jim
> Jim Van Kirk
> CCIE 8227
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 1:11 PM, Nara Shikamaru <> wrote:
>   Yeah, sorry, Sean's right.  And, btw, everyone knows about the NDA and
> he didn't voilate it with material details.  If that were the case, every
> vendor would be violateing the NDA just by being in business as material
> writers and teachers are expected to have taken the exam themselves.  We're
> expected to know the technology, we're allowed to know that CUE is expected
> to integrate with CUCM.  And, by the way, picking out a newbie in the field
> is quick and easy when the first words out of their mouth are "NDA XXX".
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Sean B Davis <>wrote:
>>  Which part? I am completely disappointed with all the training
>> providers lack of prep for the new version. I do not see any thing in my
>> comment that is NDA. I have given no details and will not, I am just
>> saying there are technologies in the blue print that are not covered
>> fully in the Workbooks out there. I am also not seeing how every
>> impression posted does not even mention this. It's time someone spoke a
>> little truth on this list. It's also time the the training providers
>> started getting out from behind the 8 ball. If I where any of the
>> training companies out there right now I would stop having classes and
>> focus on getting my content up to the new blue print and not just adding
>> a few things to the old content. I have now spent $6000 on over price
>> workbooks and rack rentals just to be completely blindsided on the test.
>> I would expect to see a few things on the test that are necessarily on
>> the workbooks but not to this extent. Now ever rack providers is saying
>> they will not have CUCM capabilities for the CUE until mid to late
>> September. How hard is it to put a ftp client and the software on the VM
>> PC??????? Anwser 25 mins on our VM Ware server here in the office, the
>> systems guys say the could copy the updated VM to 30 ESX boxes by
>> morning! Guys that are just starting should know what is lacking, where
>> is this info when you order!?  What the training providers need to
>> realize is that not all off work for national Cisco parters with
>> unlimited budgets and see every technology done in the real world. We
>> depend on them to have update material and lab equipment/configurations.
>> Sean
>> c george
>> Mon, 10 Aug 2009 11:30:00 -0700
>> maybe you should rephrase your comment alittle maybe?!
>> Respectfully Charles George
>> > Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 12:10:11 -0500
>> > From:
>> > To:
>> > Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Impression of V3 - My two cents worth.
>> >
>>  > This was my third time around, twice with v2 now once with V3. Yes it
>> > was very challenging but completely doable. The big thing was the items
>> > that none of the prep material out there covers in-depth, including
>> > Cisco own SRND (it makes a good start). Sort of got blindsided by those
>> > items.
>> >
>> > Some hints:
>> >
>> > Do not waste too much time or money with the prep material from anyone
>> > at this point, they still have not got it together.
>> > Read the SRND word for word several times!!!
>> > If a rack provider cannot get the CUE loaded with CUCM version of the
>> > software do not buy from them!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> > Find the advanced dial plan presentation from Networkers 2009 and study
>> > like it was your bible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> >
>> > Keep in mind 60% of the material from IPexpert, CCbootcamb, and
>> > Internetwork Expert will help, but is not complete enough especially in
>> > the advanced dial plan area and CUE with CUCM. I came close but could
>> > have used more study material on the dial plan, did not see the
>> > Networkers presentation until the day after I came back from my test.
>> >
>> > Sean Davis, CCVP(Will be CCIE on Sept 3^rd )
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> > For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training,
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>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
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> --
> -Shikamaru
>  _______________________________________________
> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
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